
The golden time every day to eat yogurt to improve health

According to the National Institute of Nutrition under the Ministry of Health of our country, yogurt needs to be used properly for the body to easily absorb and maximize the benefits that yogurt brings.

1. 30 minutes – 1 hour after main meals

This is one of the golden times to drink yogurt. The explanation for this is that the concentration of acid and gastric juice after eating the main meal from 30 minutes – 1 hour has decreased and balanced in the stomach.

At that time, the environment in the stomach will be most favorable for beneficial bacteria to work and provide lactic acid to help improve digestion and enhance the immune system.

2. Drink yogurt at night

The evening will be the most suitable time for the body to absorb and supplement calcium and yogurt is an excellent source of calcium at that time. Therefore, the evening is considered by experts to be one of the golden times to use yogurt.

Should drink yogurt in the evening

3. Eat when you feel stressed at work

The explanation for this is the presence of vitamin B and tyrosine in yogurt. Vitamin B will increase the body’s ability to resist harmful electronic radiation and tyrosine will contribute to reducing tension, stress, and tension caused by the body’s fatigue.

Eating when feeling stressed at work

Don’t forget that you have to drink when you’re not hungry!

4. After exercising (when not hungry)

The abundance of protein and carbohydrates in yogurt will help the body compensate for energy deficiency and effectively reduce muscle pain. Therefore, when you exercise a little too hard and fall into a state of fatigue and dizziness after exercising, using yogurt will be a quite reasonable choice.

Eating after exercise is also very good

If you want to use yogurt every day to improve your health, use Swiss Yoghurt!