
19 health effects of yogurt and how to use it

Yogurt has many good effects on health and beauty. This food helps strengthen immunity, improve digestive function, prevent bone and joint diseases, fight aging and make skin brighter and smoother.

Health benefits of yogurt

1. Provides lots of energy

Yogurt provides abundant energy for the body. Every 100g of yogurt adds about 111 kcal and 2.9 grams of protein. In particular, protein ingredients not only participate in promoting metabolism but also help build new cells, balance energy sources to ensure necessary activities during the day.

2. Improve immunity

This is one of the most obvious effects of yogurt on health. This food provides a large amount of probiotic bacteria and many other beneficial nutrients such as zinc, selenium, magnesium and vitamin D. All of these contribute to strengthening the immune system, helping the body have better resistance than before. attack by harmful agents.

3. Cardiovascular protection

Yogurt contains many healthy fats that have the ability to increase good HDL cholesterol in the body. Regularly using this food in the menu will help reduce blood pressure and prevent dangerous cardiovascular diseases.

4. Enhance digestive function

Contains a rich source of live probiotic bacteria. They help improve digestive system health, prevent constipation and diarrhea. Some studies have shown that after about 3 weeks of eating yogurt, patients with irritable bowel syndrome have significantly improved symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, and loose stools.

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Besides, the Bifidobacteria ingredient found in many types of yogurt also helps destroy harmful bacteria, promote digestive function, and reduce your risk of intestinal diseases.

5. Helps bones become stronger

Eating yogurt is a simple way to strengthen your bone and joint health. This food provides a lot of calcium, vitamin D, phosphorus and protein, which are important ingredients involved in the process of building bone cells, increasing bone density. This brings great benefits in preventing and controlling the symptoms of osteoporosis, making your bones and joints stronger.

6. Weight loss support

With lots of protein, eating yogurt will make you feel full longer. This food also helps block the activity of enzymes that cause hunger.

In addition, yogurt also helps increase fat metabolism in the body, reducing the accumulation of fat cells, giving you a firmer, slimmer physique. This is the ideal food for the menu of obese people or those maintaining a weight loss plan.

To control your weight, it’s best to eat unsweetened yogurt and skimmed products.

7. Antibacterial, reduces skin inflammation

When used topically, yogurt can help improve symptoms of eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis or rosacea. Thanks to its natural antibacterial properties, this food also helps reduce infections and itchy skin.

8. Cancer prevention 

This is the effect of yogurt on health that not everyone knows. Thanks to containing many probiotics, yogurt can help inhibit the activity of Hp bacteria, eliminate toxins accumulated in the intestinal tract, and prevent cancer, especially stomach cancer or colorectal cancer.

9. Prevent flu and colds

Yogurt provides probiotics that help strengthen immunity and inhibit the growth of viruses that cause flu and colds. Using this food during illness also helps alleviate unpleasant symptoms, while adding vitamins A, B, and C to promote health recovery.

10. Prevent stomach ulcers

Eating yogurt has the effect of speeding up the digestion of food, reducing the time food stays in the stomach, thereby helping this organ have more time to rest. Besides, this food also helps inhibit harmful bacteria, prevent and quickly heal ulcers in the stomach. That’s why people with stomach ulcers are often recommended to regularly eat yogurt.

11. Improve teeth and gum health

Lactic acid in yogurt has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps kill harmful bacteria and prevent the formation of plaque on teeth. This can help prevent and support the treatment of gingivitis, gingivitis, tooth decay or bad breath.

Effects of yogurt in beauty

Yogurt is favored by many women in beauty care thanks to its many beneficial effects for the skin such as:

1. Moisturizes and softens skin

Dry weather, sweating a lot or dehydration can easily cause your skin to become dry and flaky. Increase the use of yogurt in your menu or use this ingredient as a skin mask to balance moisture and speed up the regeneration of new skin cells from within, helping your skin become firmer and smoother.

2. Whitens skin, supports treatment of dark spots and freckles

Yogurt has the ability to whiten skin thanks to its lactic acid content. This substance helps inhibit melanin production, improves skin pigmentation, fades melasma and freckles, and makes skin brighter and more even.

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In addition, the rich source of vitamin C in yogurt also promotes skin whitening by anti-oxidation and protects the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays in the sun – the main cause of melasma and freckles.

3. Exfoliate

Yogurt is used by many women as a substitute for exfoliating cream. When in contact with the skin, lactic acid has the effect of softening and causing dead skin cells to naturally peel off, helping to clear pores.

4. Prevents and supports acne treatment

Not only does it help remove dead cells from the skin, yogurt also has the effect of cleansing oil and dirt that clog pores, while also killing harmful bacteria. Using yogurt properly will help you prevent and treat acne effectively.

5. Reduce dark circles in the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes often appear due to staying up late or losing sleep. It makes your face lifeless. With abundant zinc content, this food can help nourish and remove dark circles under your eyes, helping the skin around the eyes stay bright, healthy, and fresh.

6. Anti-aging skin

Yogurt has strong antioxidant properties. It helps destroy free radicals, slowing down the skin aging process. If your skin is showing signs of aging such as dark spots, wrinkles, and sagging skin, you should regularly use yogurt to improve your skin and help prolong your youth.

7. Cure sunburn for skin

Excessive exposure to the sun without protection causes your skin to become sunburned, hot, red, and shiny. You can give your skin first aid by applying a yogurt mask. The zinc in this food will help soothe skin irritation, improve unpleasant symptoms and speed up the regeneration of new cells to replace damaged skin tissue.

8. Increase skin firmness and elasticity

Vitamin C in yogurt stimulates the production of collagen – an important substance that can improve skin structure, helping the skin become firmer and more elastic.